April, 2008

ript would like to tell you:

I'm back. Breakpoint rocked. Was good to see everyone again after so many years!

Life is starting to get into shape at home (not so many possessions in boxes any more!) ... I may even get some internet there and start some of those projects I've been talking about.:wq

February, 2008

BEACH PARTY 2008 was a great success... Big thanks to all the organisers - Anakirob, cTrix, not forgetting the super duper equipment fellows duncbot and ehendrikd!


No doubt there will be some kind of production blackout here for the next 6 weeks ... never fear, we'll be back.

January, 2008


(goodness, what a busy month this is)


The .au xmas compo results are in!


Ever had a letter from "The Domain Registry of America"?

I have, but didn't do anything with it. Well, I got angry.

(null) got one today, and decided that he'd spend 50 cents printing out his response and sending it back via snail mail:

letter image

I wonder if they'll put it on a notice board somewhere.

Also, don't forget to vote in the .au xmas compo!


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